Bee Keeping Articles:

Why I prefer Wax Coated Bee Hives

Why I prefer Wax Coated Bee Hives

Written by : honeytop

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The Benefits of Wax-Coated Bee Hives

What Are Wax-Sprayed and Wax-Dipped Bee Hives?

Most commercial waxed boxes are sprayed with a thin layer of wax.  This is somewhat different from a true wax-dipped hive body.    But either way, this article is about the advantages of wax-coated hive bodies.   

Wax-coated bee hives are a modern twist on traditional wooden hives. They are constructed using the same materials – typically pine or cedar wood – but with an additional protective layer of melted beeswax. This layer of wax is applied to the exterior and interior surfaces of the hive, providing a multitude of benefits.

Advantages of Wax-Coated Hives

1. No Painting!

You don’t paint wax coated wood bee hive supers.   This along is a worth it all, as this is one of my least favorite tasks!

2. Insulation:

Another advantage of wax-coated bee hives is their additional insulation.  The layer of beeswax creates a natural barrier against extreme temperatures. During hot summer months, it helps regulate the hive’s internal temperature, preventing overheating. In the winter, it acts as a thermal insulator, keeping the bees warm and reducing the need for extra heating mechanisms.

3. Moisture Control:

Wax-coated hives effectively manage moisture levels within the hive. The beeswax coating prevents excess moisture from entering the hive, which is particularly crucial in preventing mold and mildew growth. 

4. Prolonged Hive Lifespan:

The beeswax layer acts as a protective shield against weather.  This layer of protection can extend the lifespan of your hives, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving you money in the long run.

5. Safe for Bees 

Beeswax is a natural and non-toxic material. Wax-coated hives offer a healthier living environment for the bees, as they are not exposed to harmful chemicals often found in treated wooden hives. 

6. Aesthetic Appeal:

I think they just look better!   Yes, wax-coated hives have a unique and attractive appearance. The golden hue of the beeswax lends a warm and inviting aesthetic to your beekeeping setup, making it a beautiful addition to any garden or apiary.

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3 Responses

  1. Just bought two hives after taking your class. The class was outstanding. Even though my dad kept bees when I was a youth, I learned a lot from the class. Money well spent even with all of the info on the internet. There is no replacement for LOCAL knowledge. Looking forward to putting together my hives, the beeswax coating is beautiful!