Honey Top Bees - Chapin SC

Local Honey

Local Raw SC Honey and Bee Products!


5 frame nucs, packages and queens.

Bee Classes

Beekeeping Classes for "New Bees". Live or Video Based

Getting Started In Beekeeping

Information to get started

Honey Bee Removal

We can remove the colony and relocate them

Mentor Club

Would like help on your beekeeping journey?

Natural Honey

Hi, I'm Ray

Thanks for stopping by.  I am passionate about bees, beekeeping, teaching, and honey.  I am a member of the Midlands Beekeeping Association, and I am currently enrolled in the University of FL Certified Master Beekeeping Program.   I offer honey, bee classes, swarm removal, bees for sale, and a mentoring club.   Contact me if I can help you on your bee journey! 

Lets Keep in Touch!

We’d love to keep you updated with our latest beekeeping classes, when bees and queens are available, and other news and updates from Ray and Honey Top Bees! 😎  Subscribe to our newsletter here. 

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Natural local raw Honey

Carolina Midlands Honey May "bee" the best honey ever

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It’s nice to meet you.

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