Rays Tips:
- Bees must be installed in your hive within 1-2 days of pickup.
- Keep them in a cool, but not cold, place overnight if you plan to install them the next day.
- Lightly spray them with a mist of water to keep them moist overnight if you are not installing them the same day, unless it is going to be cold.
- Remember there is a cork covering the candy on the queen cage. This cork must be removed so that the bees can eat the candy away to release the queen. If there are 2 corks on your package, ONLY remove the one covering the sugar candy.
- Check your bees after 4 days to be sure the queen is released.
- When you hang the queen cage, hang it in such a way that the screen is accessible for the bees to interact with the queen. In other words, do not put the screen side up against the foundation.
- You must feed the bees from day 1 until they have drawn out comb or the nectar flow has started. 1:1 Sugar water.
A good video is below, or watch more videos on installing a package of bees